>>If we get $1000 donated on or before Kendall's birthday, December 10th, the GHOST PKMN ZINE will be released for free, to all earlier.

>>Want to contribute to the GHOST PKMN ZINE? Click here. All submissions will be accepted, all skill levels welcome. Let's make a zine for Kendall!

The “Who’s”

Hello! My name is winter amelie and I'm raising money for my partner's gender affirmation surgeries. If you've been moved by her story, or even want to snag some cool rewards, please contribute to this fund. However, I want to stress that receiving an incentive is not required to donate to this cause. Let's get started!!

My partner’s name is Elexa Kendall! Those close to her call her Kendall. I've been with Kendall for the better part of six years at the time of this writing and I can tell you she is hardworking, talented, passionate, kind and earnest. I'm very fortunate to have her in my life.

The Story

In 2011 (ish), Kendall came out to me as a transgender woman. It doesn't need to be said that coming out is a harrowing and even dangerous decision to make. Despite that, she gathered the courage to tell me anyway. She began her transition about two years afterward, in late 2013.

Around this period, Kendall took the time to write a coming out letter to her mother which sadly did not end with her family's full support. She and her family are now estranged.

All is not sad however! Ever since Kendall began her transition, she's become more lively and full of sunshine! She laughs a lot more and enjoys things thoroughly. It's been heartening to experience such happiness with her despite living with the weight of dysphoria every day.

The Campaign

The HRT has helped but it can only do so much for her. On a day to day basis Kendall is anxious about not being seen as who she is. She is afraid that she will be discriminated against at any given time. It has happened before. She still gets misgendered when she wears certain clothes. It is heartbreaking to see her spirit so shaken when that happens.

Kendall has been looking at these procedures for a very long time, but unfortunately, we are unable to afford them. In addition, these are out of pocket expenses since they are not covered by insurance. Without help from family, and saving money from near zero, Kendall would have to work 65 hour weeks for three years. That would be an unideal and unhealthy situation. We are not looking into going into debt by obtaining medical loans, which often come bundled with high interest rates. Insurance does not and will not cover what they consider a "cosmetic surgery" despite having a better quality of life and gender affirmation leading to better overall health.

The money we raise will go towards surgeries that will psychologically uplift her and physically change her outward appearance. They will contribute to Kendall being comfortable in her own skin. The money will also go towards paying for the surgery and covering expenses while Kendall is in recovery.

Priority one is facial feminization surgery. Facial feminization surgery changes the skeletal structure of the face by shaving the brow ridge, etc. The absolute minimum of time required before doing any sort of activity is two weeks.

Estimated cost: $20,000-22,000 (USD). This quote includes all procedures Kendall has stated she may want as well as pre-op appointments and post-op recovery with Dr. Cardenas in Mexico. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE TRAVEL EXPENSES SUCH AS FLIGHTS.

Travel to and from Mexico: $1000 USD round trip flight. 

We can't do this by ourselves! Thank you for reading. If you don't have money to spare, please consider sharing this on your social media. Every view counts.


Meet our contributors

They have graciously agreed to donate their time and energy to our campaign, and I cannot thank them enough. Please check our their pages for the type of art they create.

almondette is an illus-traitor who like cats and drawing. She likes opportunities for better quality of life which is why she made this fundraiser for her partner. | Twitter - Art Blog

Pellimort is an illustrator currently focusing on the comic, "Oneiromancers", whose beautifully crafted pages feature a diverse array of unique and wonderful dream ladies. | Tumblr - Comic

Jenny is a trans woman, artist, caffeine addict and pizza witch. She likes drawing, friendship, and long walks on the beach. | Twitter - Website

Amb lives in a cold part of Europe, draws colourful things, likes to cook and bake, loves Pokemon and enjoys at least one good bunny video a day. | Twitter - Tumblr

Aud graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design and likes to play sad video games. | Tumblr

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